Selected Publications
Total SCI Publications: 179 (1 on PECS, 1 on TIE, 61 and 46 on Combust. Flame and Proc. Combust. Inst.);
First-author or Corresponding-author SCI Publications: 117 (1 on PECS, 1 on TIE, 48 and 30 on Combust. Flame and Proc. Combust. Inst.);
Total Citations: 7799; h-index: 50 (from Google Scholar, Feb. 2025);
Total Citations: 6260; h-index: 45 (from Web of Science, Feb. 2025).
List of First-author or Corresponding-author SCI Publications:
117. Qilong Fang, Jun Fang, Yi Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Wei Li, Lili Ye, Yuyang Li
Unraveling combustion chemistry of dimethyldiethoxysilane. II. A comprehensive study on the laminar flame propagation of ethoxysilane flame synthesis precursors
Combustion and Flame 270 (2024) 113795.
116. Qilong Fang, Jun Fang, Wei Li, Tianyou Lian, Long Zhao, Wang Li, Lili Ye, Yuyang Li
Unraveling combustion chemistry of dimethyldiethoxysilane. I. A comprehensive pyrolysis investigation with insight ethanol formation mechanism in combustion of ethoxysilane flame synthesis precursors
Combustion and Flame 270 (2024) 113794.
115. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Maxence Lailliau, Yuyang Li, Yumeng Zhu, Zehua Feng, Wei Li, Philippe Dagaut
Oxidation of butane-2,3-dione at high pressure: Implications for ketene chemistry
Combustion and Flame 270 (2024) 113753.
114. Bilal Hussain, Jun Fang, Jianguo Zhang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Combustion enhancement of ammonia by cofiring oxymethylene ethers (OMEn, n = 0–2): An experimental and kinetic modeling investigation
Energy & Fuels 38 (2024) 22516-22526.
113. Bilal Hussain, Wei Li, Qilong Fang, Yuyang Li
Synergistic effects of fuel components on aromatics formation in combustion: A review
Applied Sciences 14 (2024) 6720.
112. Qilong Fang, Jun Fang, Tianyou Lian, Long Zhao, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
A comparative pyrolysis study of tetraethoxysilane and tetraethoxymethane: Insight congener substitution effects on pyrolysis chemistry of siloxane flame synthesis precursors
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 18 (2024) 100265.
111. Tianyu Li, Xiaoyuan Yang, Bingyao Huang, Tianyou Lian, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Evolution of liquid film in a crossflow tunnel: Liquid film thickness measurement and effect of droplet impingement on film breakup
Measurement Science and Technology 35 (2024) 115301.
110. Qilong Fang, Jun Fang, Yi Zhang, Jianguo Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Exploring flow reactor pyrolysis of branched OMEs: Insights multi-sidechain effects on pyrolysis chemistry of CH3OCH3-n(OCH3)n (n=1-3)
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105699.
109. Xiaoxiang Shi, Tianyou Lian, Zundi Liu, Xiaoyuan Yang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Impact of carbon-free fuels addition on self-excited combustion oscillations in partially premixed CH4/air swirl flames
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105568.
108. Zundi Liu, Xiaoxiang Shi, Yi Zhang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Sibo Han, Jun Fang, Tianyou Lian, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Characterizing lean blowout dynamics of DME/air premixed swirl flames in a gas turbine model combustor with and without confinement
Aerospace Science and Technology 152 (2024) 109360.
107. Wei Li, Jun Fang, Yi Zhang, Zhongya Xi, Jianguo Zhang, Songlin Liu, Qiying Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Yuyang Li
Co-firing ammonia and hydrogen with butane under methane-equivalent calorific value and Wobbe index: Insights transition in flame propagation and swirl flame characteristics
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105352.
106. Xiaoyuan Yang, Bingyao Huang, Yi Zhang, Yuyang Li
Component effects in binary droplet impact behaviors on the heated plate: Comparison study of ethanol/propanol and ethanol/water droplets and observation of novel bubble shrinkage phenomenon
Applied Sciences 14 (2024) 4459.
105. Xiaoxiang Shi, Zundi Liu, Tianyou Lian, Sibo Han, Yi Zhang, Zhongya Xi, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Effects of wall confinement on flame topologies and lean blowout characteristics of partially premixed DME/air flames in a gas turbine model combustor
Fuel 372 (2024) 132232.
104. Xiaoyuan Yang, Bingyao Huang, Yi Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Lang Luo, Yuyang Li
Characterizing boiling behaviors in water/ethanol binary droplet impact on a heated plate
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 156 (2024) 111224.
103. Yuyang Li, Yi Zhang, Jun Fang, Zhongya Xi, Jianguo Zhang, Zundi Liu, Xiaoxiang Shi, Wei Li
Combustion enhancement of ammonia by co-firing dimethyl ether/hydrogen mixtures under methane-equivalent calorific value
Combustion and Flame 265 (2024) 113490.
102. Yuwen Deng†, Wenhao Yuan†, Sandro Gaïl, Wei Li, Long Zhao, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li, Philippe Dagaut
Exploration on the combustion chemistry of p-xylene: A comprehensive study over wide conditions and comparison among C8H10 isomers
Combustion and Flame 262 (2024) 113377.
101. Zundi Liu, Yi Zhang, Wei Li, Xiaoxiang Shi, Yuyang Li
Self-promoted fuel pyrolysis under oxygen enrichment enables clean and efficient ammonia combustion
The Innovation Energy 1 (2024) 100006.
100. Xiaoxiang Shi†, Tianyou Lian†, Yi Zhang, Zundi Liu, Wei Li, Zhongya Xi, Yuyang Li
Enhanced ammonia combustion by partial pre-cracking strategy in a gas turbine model combustor: Flame macrostructures, lean blowout characteristics and exhaust emissions
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 5 (2024) 100247.
99. Xiaoxiang Shi, Wei Li, Jianguo Zhang, Qilong Fang, Yi Zhang, Zhongya Xi, Yuyang Li
Exploration of NH3 and NH3/DME laminar flame propagation in O2/CO2 atmosphere: Insights NH3/CO2 interactions
Combustion and Flame 260 (2024) 113245.
98. Bingyao Huang, Yi Zhang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Haodong Zhang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Novel bubble shrinkage phenomenon in n-butanol/PODE4 binary droplet combustion
Combustion and Flame 259 (2024) 113125.
97. Bingyao Huang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Yi Zhang, Haodong Zhang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Characterizing bubble dynamics in combustion and atomization of alcohol/PODE4 and alcohol/n-undecane binary droplets
Fuel 352 (2023) 129029.
96. Bingyao Huang, Haodong Zhang, Zundi Liu, Xiaoyuan Yang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Characterizing internal flow field in binary solution droplet combustion with micro-particle image velocimetry
Applied Sciences 13 (2023) 5752.
95. Zhongya Xi, Jianguo Zhang, Wei Li, Zundi Liu, Xiaoxiang Shi, Tianyou Lian, Sibo Han, Yuyang Li
Exploration on laminar flame propagation of biogas and DME mixtures up to 10 atm: Insight effects of DME co-firing, CO2 addition and pressure
Fuel 344 (2023) 128114.
94. Bowen Mei, Jianguo Zhang, Siyuan Ma, Wei Li, Artёm Dmitriev, Andrey Shmakov, Tatyana Bolshova, Denis Knyazkov, Yuyang Li
Revisit flame chemistry of propene at elevated pressures: Insight pressure effects on chemical structure and laminar flame propagation
Combustion and Flame 251 (2023) 112725.
93. Bingyao Huang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Yi Zhang, Haodong Zhang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Characterizing combustion and atomization of PODEn and ethanol/PODEn binary droplets
Fuel 341 (2023) 127672.
92. Hanfeng Jin1, Wenhao Yuan1, Wei Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhongyue Zhou, Long Zhao, Yuyang Li, Fei Qi
Combustion chemistry of aromatic hydrocarbons
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 96 (2023) 101076.
91. Wei Li, Qilong Fang, Jianguo Zhang, Xinbai Chou, Lili Ye, Yuyang Li
Role of CH2O moiety on laminar burning velocities of oxymethylene ethers (OMEn): A case study of dimethyl ether, OME1 and OME2
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2023) in press, doi:/10.1016/j.proci.2022.09.070.
90. Wei Li1, Jianguo Zhang1, Sven Eckart, Jingxian Xia, Hartmut Krause, Yuyang Li
On the laminar flame propagation of C5H10O2 esters up to 10 atm: A comparative experimental and kinetic modeling study
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2023) in press, doi:/10.1016/j.proci.2022.10.002.
89. Chuangchuang Cao, Matteo Pelucchi, Jianguo Zhang, Wang Li, Andrea Nobili, Jiuzhong Yang, Long Zhao, Yuyang Li, Tiziano Faravelli
Exploring fuel molecular structure effects on the pyrolysis chemistry of branched hexenes
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) in press, doi:/10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.102.
88. Chuangchuang Cao, Jianguo Zhang, Bowen Mei, Wei Li, Tianyou Lian, Yuyang Li
Exploration on laminar flame propagation of branched hexenes: Influence of isomeric fuel structures
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) in press, doi:/10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.103.
87. Jiabiao Zou, Jianguo Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li
Interaction of hydrogen and nitric oxide in outwardly propagating spherical flame: Insight non-hydrocarbon NOX reduction mechanism
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) in press, doi:/10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.21.
86. Bowen Mei, Yan Zhang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Characterizing methane and nitric oxide interaction in oxygen-free outwardly propagating spherical flame
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) in press, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.121.
85. Jianguo Zhang, Wei Li, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li
Laminar flame propagation of acetone and 2-butanone at normal to high pressures: Insight fuel molecular structure effects of ketones
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) in press, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.009.
84. Jingxian Xia, Yan Zhang, Qilong Fang, Bowen Mei, Jianguo Zhang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
A case study on laminar flame propagation of flame synthesis precursors using spherically propagating flame: Tetramethylsilane and its alkane counterpart
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) in press, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.077.
83. Zhongya Xi, Tianyou Lian, Xiaoxiang Shi, Zundi Liu, Sibo Han, Xiaoyuan Yang, Jianguo Zhang, Wei Li, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li
Co-firing hydrogen and dimethyl ether in a gas turbine model combustor: Influence of hydrogen content and comparison with methane
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (2022) 38432-38444.
82. Jiabiao Zou, Jianguo Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Qiang Xu, Bingzhi Liu, Zhandong Wang, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li
Conformation-dependent low-temperature oxidation chemistry of methylcyclohexane: First oxygen addition and chain-branching
Combustion and Flame 243 (2022) 111963.
81. Jianguo Zhang1, Bowen Mei1, Wei Li1, Jun Fang, Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Yuyang Li
Unraveling pressure effects in laminar flame propagation of ammonia: A comparative study with hydrogen, methane, and ammonia/hydrogen
Energy & Fuels 36 (2022) 8528-8537.
80. Yan Zhang, Jingxian Xia, Qilong Fang, Bowen Mei, Wei Li, Tianyu Li, Yuyang Li
Unraveling combustion chemistry of tetramethoxysilane in flow reactor pyrolysis and laminar flame propagation
Combustion and Flame 242 (2022) 112169.
79. Qilong Fang, Yan Zhang, Jingxian Xia, Yuyang Li
Theoretical investigation on H-abstraction reactions of silanes with H and CH3 attacking: A comparative study with alkane counterparts
ACS Omega 7 (2022) 5558-5569.
78. Zhongya Xi, Zundi Liu, Xiaoxiang Shi, Tianyou Lian, Xiaoyuan Yang, Jianguo Zhang, Yuyang Li
Enhancement of biogas combustion by co-firing dimethyl ether in a gas turbine model combustor
Fuel 316 (2022) 123446.
77. Zhongya Xi, Zundi Liu, Xiaoxiang Shi, Tianyou Lian, Yuyang Li
Numerical investigation on flow characteristics and emissions under varying swirler vane angle in a lean premixed combustor
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 31 (2022) 101800.
76. Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Bowen Mei, Jiabiao Zou, Long Zhao, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li
Investigation on n-pentylbenzene combustion at various pressures: Insight effects of side-chain length on alkylbenzene combustion
Combustion and Flame 238 (2022) 111976.
75. Yan Zhang, Jingxian Xia, Qilong Fang, Yuyang Li
Comparative investigation on tetramethylsilane and neo-pentane combustion: Jet-stirred reactor pyrolysis and kinetic modeling
Combustion and Flame 237 (2022) 111900.
74. Jiabiao Zou, Yuyang Li, Lili Ye, Hanfeng Jin
A comprehensive study on low-temperature oxidation chemistry of cyclohexane. I. Conformational analysis and theoretical study of first and second oxygen addition
Combustion and Flame 235 (2022) 111658.
73. Jiabiao Zou, Hanfeng Jin, Dapeng Liu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Huaijiang Su, Jiuzhong Yang, Aamir Farooq, Yuyang Li
A comprehensive study on low-temperature oxidation chemistry of cyclohexane. II. Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation
Combustion and Flame 235 (2022) 111550.
72. Zundi Liu, Tianyou Lian, Wei Li, Chuangchuang Cao, Hongyu Xiong, Yuyang Li
Mini Review of Current Combustion Research Progress of Biodiesel and Model Compounds for Gas Turbine Application
Energy & Fuels 35 (2021) 13569-13584.
71. Wei Li, Lili Ye, Qilong Fang, Jiabiao Zou, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li
Exploration on thermal decomposition of cyclopentanone: A flow reactor pyrolysis and kinetic modeling study
Energy & Fuels 35 (2021) 14023-14034.
70. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiabiao Zou, Yang Li, Yan Zhang, Junjun Guo, Qiang Xu, Beibei Feng, S. Mani Sarathy, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhandong Wang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Low-temperature oxidation chemistry of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene (diisobutylene) triggered by dimethyl ether (DME): A jet-stirred reactor oxidation and kinetic modeling investigation
Combustion and Flame 234 (2021) 111629.
69. Bowen Mei, Jianguo Zhang, Xiaoxiang Shi, Zhongya Xi, Yuyang Li
Enhancement of ammonia combustion with partial fuel cracking strategy: Laminar flame propagation and kinetic modeling investigation of NH3/H2/N2/air mixtures up to 10 atm
Combustion and Flame 231 (2021) 111472.
68. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jiabiao Zou, Chuangchuang Cao, Weiye Chen, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Exploring the low-temperature oxidation chemistry of 1-butene and i-butene triggered by dimethyl ether
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 289-298.
67. Chuangchuang Cao, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yan Zhang, Jiabiao Zou, Yuyang Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Probing the fuel-specific intermediates in the low-temperature oxidation of 1-heptene and modeling interpretation
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 385-394.
66. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Bowen Mei, Siyuan Ma, Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Wei Li, Lili Ye, Yuyang Li
Characterizing the fuel-specific combustion chemistry of acetic acid and propanoic acid: Laminar flame propagation and kinetic modeling studies
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 449-457.
65. Tianyu Li, Yan Zhang, Wenhao Yuan, Chuangchuang Cao, Wei Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li
Unraveling synergistic effects on pyrolysis reactivity and indene formation in co-pyrolysis of toluene and acetylene
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 1413-1421.
64. Yan Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiabiao Zou, Tianyu Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Lili Ye, Yuyang Li
Flow reactor pyrolysis of iso-butylbenzene and tert-butylbenzene at various pressures: Insight fuel isomeric effects on pyrolysis chemistry of butylbenzenes
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 1423-1432.
63. Wei Li, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li, Sven Eckart, Hartmut Krause, Siyuan Ma, Yan Zhang
Insight fuel isomeric effects on laminar flame propagation of pentanones
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2135-2142.
62. Yan Zhang, Bowen Mei, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Siyuan Ma,, Yuyang Li
Exploring fuel isomeric effects on laminar flame propagation of butylbenzenes at various pressures
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2419-2429.
61. Bowen Mei, Siyuan Ma, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yuyang Li
Characterizing ammonia and nitric oxide interaction with outwardly propagating spherical flame method
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477-2485.
60. Siyuan Ma1, Xiaoyuan Zhang1, Artёm Dmitriev, Andrey Shmakov, Oleg Korobeinichev, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li, Denis Knyazkov
Revisit laminar premixed ethylene flames at elevated pressures: A mass spectrometric and laminar flame propagation study
Combustion and Flame 230 (2021) 111422.
59. Peng Liu, Hafiz Ahmad, Bowen Mei, Shuanglin Jiang, Bochun You, Yuyang Li
Effects of devolatilization temperature on chemical structure and oxidation reactivity of soot sampled from a coflow diffusion ethylene flame
Fuel 293 (2021) 120424.
58. Wenhao Yuan, Long Zhao, Sandro Gaïl, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li, Fei Qi, Philippe Dagaut
Exploring pyrolysis and oxidation chemistry of o-xylene at various pressures with special concerns on PAH formation
Combustion and Flame 228 (2021) 351-363.
57. Peng Liu, Hafiz Ahmad, Xuesong Jiang, Hongyu Chen, Yan Lin, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li
Evolution of structure and oxidation reactivity from early-stage soot to mature soot sampled from a laminar coflow diffusion flame of ethylene
Combustion and Flame 228 (2021) 202-209.
56. Chuangchuang Cao, Wei Li, Qiang Xu, Beibei Feng, Zhandong Wang, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li
Probing pyrolysis chemistry of 1-heptene pyrolysis with insight fuel molecular structure effects
Combustion and Flame 227 (2021) 79-94.
55. Wei Li, Chuangchuang Cao, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yuyang Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Jiabiao Zou, Bowen Mei, Zhanjun Cheng
Exploring combustion chemistry of ethyl valerate at various pressures: Pyrolysis, laminar burning velocity and kinetic modeling
Combustion and Flame 227 (2021) 27-38.
54. Tianyu Li, Tianyou Lian, Bingyao Huang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Xunchen Liu, Yuyang Li
Liquid film thickness measurements on a plate based on brightness curve analysis with acute PLIF method
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 136 (2021) 103549.
53. Chuangchuang Cao, Wei Li, Weiye Chen, Hafiz Ahmad, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li
Exploring combustion chemistry of 1-pentene: Flow reactor pyrolysis at various pressures and development of a detailed combustion model
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 53 (2021) 514-526.
52. Yuyang Li, Jiabiao Zou, Wenhao Yuan, Chuangchuang Cao, Yan Zhang, Fei Qi, Jiuzhong Yang
Unraveling chemical structure of laminar premixed tetralin flames at low pressure with photoionization mass spectrometry and kinetic modeling
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 53 (2021) 154-163.
51. Bowen Mei, Siyuan Ma, Yan Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Wei Li, Yuyang Li
Exploration on laminar flame propagation of ammonia and syngas mixtures up to 10 atm
Combustion and Flame 220 (2020) 368-377.
50. Jiabiao Zou, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yuyang Li, Lili Ye, Lili Xing, Wei Li, Chuangchuang Cao, Yitong Zhai, Fei Qi, Jiuzhong Yang
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on ethylcyclohexane low-temperature oxidation in a jet-stirred reactor
Combustion and Flame 214 (2020) 211-223.
49. Yan Zhang, Bowen Mei, Chuangchuang Cao, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Wenhao Yuan, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on sec-butylbenzene combustion: Flow reactor pyrolysis and laminar flame propagation at various pressures
Combustion and Flame 211 (2020) 18-31.
48. Bowen Mei1, Xiaoyuan Zhang1, Siyuan Ma, Mingli Cui, Hanwen Guo, Zhihao Cao, Yuyang Li
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on the laminar flame propagation of ammonia under oxygen enrichment and elevated pressure conditions
Combustion and Flame 210 (2019) 236-246.
47. Chuangchuang Cao, Yan Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jiabiao Zou, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li, Jiuzhong Yang
Experimental and kinetic modeling study on flow reactor pyrolysis of iso-pentanol: Understanding of iso-pentanol pyrolysis chemistry and fuel isomeric effects of pentanol
Fuel 257 (2019) 116039.
46. Xiaoyuan Zhang1, Bowen Mei1, Siyuan Ma, Haoquan Pan, Haiyu Wang, Yuyang Li
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on laminar flame propagation of CH4/CO mixtures at various pressures: Insight the transition from CH4-related chemistry to CO-related chemistry
Combustion and Flame 209 (2019) 481-492.
45. Wei Li, Yan Zhang, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiabiao Zou, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhanjun Cheng
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-propanol and i-propanol combustion: Flow reactor pyrolysis and laminar flame propagation
Combustion and Flame 207 (2019) 171-185.
44. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yan Zhang, Tianyu Li, Yuyang Li, Jiabiao Zou, Philippe Dagaut, Jiuzhong Yang, Wei Li, Meirong Zeng, Hanfeng Jin, Wenhao Yuan, Fei Qi
Low-temperature chemistry triggered by probe cooling in a low-pressure premixed flame
Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 260-267.
43. Bowen Mei, Wei Li, Siyuan Ma, Haiyu Wang, Haoquan Pan, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Investigation on 1-heptene/air laminar flame propagation under elevated pressures
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 32 (2019) 99-106.
42. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yuyang Li, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiabiao Zou, Yan Zhang, Wei Li, Tianyu Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Philippe Dagaut
New insights propanal oxidation at low temperatures: Experimental and kinetic modeling study
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2019) 565-573.
41. Wenhao Yuan, Tianyu Li, Yuyang Li, Meirong Zeng, Yan Zhang, Jiabiao Zou, Chuangchuang Cao, Wei Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on anisole pyrolysis: Implications on phenoxy and cyclopentadienyl chemistry
Combustion and Flame 201 (2019) 187-199.
40. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Maxence Lailliau, Chuangchuang Cao, Yuyang Li, Philippe Dagaut , Wei Li, Tianyu Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Pyrolysis of butane-2,3-dione from low to high pressures: Implications for methyl-related growth chemistry
Combustion and Flame 20 (2019) 69-81.
39. Meirong Zeng, Yuyang Li, Wenhao Yuan, Yan Zhang, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Exploration of the pyrolysis chemistry of 1,1-diethoxybutane: A flow reactor and kinetic modeling study
Fuel 236 (2019) 437-444.
38. Jiabiao Zou, Wei Li, Lili Ye, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yuyang Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Exploring the low-temperature oxidation chemistry of cyclohexane in a jet-stirred reactor: An experimental and kinetic modeling study
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 31 (2018) 537-546.
37. Yuyang Li, Wenhao Yuan, Tianyu Li, Wei Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on the rich premixed toluene flames doped with n-butanol
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (2018) 10628-10636. (封底论文)
36. Guoqing Wang, Yuyang Li, Lei Li, Fei Qi
Experimental and theoretical investigation on cellular instability of methanol/air flames
Fuel 225 (2018) 95-103.
35. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Lili Ye, Yuyang Li, Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhongyue Zhou, Zhen Huang, Fei Qi
Acetaldehyde oxidation at low and intermediate temperatures: An experimental and kinetic modeling investigation
Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 431-441.
34. Guoqing Wang, Yuyang Li, Wenhao Yuan, Yizun Wang, Zhenbiao Zhou, Yingzheng Liu, Jianghuai Cai
Investigation on laminar flame propagation of n-butanol/air and n-butanol/O2/He mixtures at pressures up to 20 atm
Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 368-380.
33. Wei Li, Guoqing Wang, Yuyang Li, Tianyu Li, Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiabiao Zou, Chung K. Law
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on pyrolysis and combustion of n-butane and i-butane at various pressures
Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 126-141.
32. Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Yuyang Li, Wenhao Yuan, Xiaoyuan Yang, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi, Tzu-Ping Huang, Yin-Yu Lee
Pyrolysis of n-butylbenzene at various pressures: Influence of long sidechain structure on alkylbenzene pyrolysis
Energy & Fuels 31 (2017) 14270-14279.
31. Wenhao Yuan, Yuyang Li, Philippe Dagaut, Yizun Wang, Zhandong Wang, Fei Qi
A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-propylbenzene combustion
Combustion and Flame 186 (2017) 178-192.
30. Guoqing Wang, Yuyang Li, Wenhao Yuan, Zhenbiao Zhou, Yu Wang, Zizhou Wang
Investigation on laminar burning velocities of benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene up to 20 atm
Combustion and Flame 184 (2017) 312-323.
29. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Guoqing Wang, Jiabiao Zou, Yuyang Li, Wei Li, Tianyu Li, Hanfeng Jin, Zhongyue Zhou, Yin-Yu Lee
Investigation on the oxidation chemistry of methanol in laminar premixed flames
Combustion and Flame 180 (2017) 20-31.
28. Hanfeng Jin, Guoqing Wang, Yizun Wang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yuyang Li, Zhongyue Zhou, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of laminar coflow diffusion methane flames doped with iso-butanol
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 1259-1267.
27. Wenhao Yuan, Yuyang Li, Zhandong Wang, Yizun Wang, Long Zhao, Yan Zhang, Zhongyue Zhou, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of premixed n-butylbenzene flames
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 815-823.
26. Meirong Zeng, Yuyang Li, Wenhao Yuan, Tianyu Li, Yizun Wang, Zhongyue Zhou, Lidong Zhang, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of laminar premixed decalin flames
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 1193-1202.
25. Xiaoyun Fan, Guoqing Wang, Yuyang Li, Zhandong Wang, Wenhao Yuan, Long Zhao
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of 1-hexene combustion at various pressures
Combustion and Flame 173 (2016) 151-160.
24. Hanfeng Jin, Jianghuai Cai, Guoqing Wang, Yizun Wang, Yuyang Li, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhanjun Cheng, Wenhao Yuan, Fei Qi
A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of tert-butanol combustion
Combustion and Flame 169 (2016) 154-170.
23. Meirong Zeng, Yuyang Li, Wenhao Yuan, Zhongyue Zhou, Yizun Wang, Lidong Zhang, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on decalin pyrolysis at low to atmospheric pressures
Combustion and Flame 167 (2016) 228-237.
22. Wenhao Yuan, Yuyang Li, Gaëlle Pengloan, Casmir Togbé, Philippe Dagaut, Fei Qi
A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of ethylbenzene combustion
Combustion and Flame 166 (2016) 255-265.
21. Gao Wang, Wenhao Yuan, Yuyang Li, Long Zhao, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-pentanol pyrolysis and combustion
Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3277-3287.
20. Wenhao Yuan, Yuyang Li, Philippe Dagaut, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of styrene combustion
Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 1868-1883.
19. Wenhao Yuan, Yuyang Li, Philippe Dagaut, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Investigation on the pyrolysis and oxidation of toluene over a wide range conditions. I. Flow reactor pyrolysis and jet stirred reactor oxidation
Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3-21.
18. Wenhao Yuan, Yuyang Li, Philippe Dagaut, Jiuzhong Yang, Fei Qi
Investigation on the pyrolysis and oxidation of toluene over a wide range conditions. II. A comprehensive kinetic modeling study
Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 22-40.
17. Jiuzhong Yang, Long Zhao, Wenhao Yuan, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on laminar premixed benzene flames with various equivalence ratios
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2015) 855-862.
16. Long Zhao, Zhanjun Cheng, Lili Ye, Feng Zhang, Lidong Zhang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Premixed o-Xylene Flames
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2015) 1745-1752.
Before 2014
15. Zhanjun Cheng, Lili Xing, Meirong Zeng, Weile Dong, Feng Zhang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of 2,5-Dimethylfuran Pyrolysis at Various Pressures
Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 2496-2511.
14. Meirong Zeng, Wenhao Yuan, Yizun Wang, Weixing Zhou, Lidong Zhang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of pyrolysis and oxidation of n-decane
Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 1701-1715.
13. Yuyang Li, Lidong Zhang, Zhandong Wang, Lili Ye, Jianghuai Cai, Zhanjun Cheng, Fei Qi
Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Tetralin Pyrolysis at Low Pressure
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1739-1748.
12. Jiuzhong Yang, Long Zhao, Jianghuai Cai, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Photoionization Mass Spectrometric and Kinetic Modeling of Low-Pressure Pyrolysis of Benzene
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 26 (2013) 245-251. (封面论文)
11. Yijun Zhang, Wenhao Yuan, Jianghuai Cai, Lidong Zhang, Fei Qi, Yuyang Li
Product Identification and Mass Spectrometric Analysis of n-Butane and i-Butane Pyrolysis at Low Pressure
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 26 (2013) 151-156.
10. Jianghuai Cai, Lidong Zhang, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li, Long Zhao, Fei Qi
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of tert-butanol combustion at low pressure
Energy 43 (2012) 94-102.
9. Yuyang Li, Jianghuai Cai, Lidong Zhang, Tao Yuan, Kuiwen Zhang, Fei Qi
Investigation on Chemical Structures of Premixed Toluene Flames at Low Pressure
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2011) 593-600.
8. Yuyang Li, Jianghuai Cai, Lidong Zhang, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhandong Wang, Fei Qi
Experimental and Modeling Investigation on Premixed Ethylbenzene Flames at Low Pressure
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2011) 617-624.
7. Yuyang Li, Fei Qi
Recent Applications of Synchrotron VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrometry: Insight Combustion Chemistry
Accounts of Chemical Research 43 (2010) 68-78.
6. Yuyang Li, Lidong Zhang, Tao Yuan, Kuiwen Zhang, Jiuzhong Yang, Bin Yang, Fei Qi, Chung K. Law
Investigation on fuel-rich premixed flames of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Part I. Intermediate identification and mass spectrometric analysis
Combustion and Flame 157 (2010) 143-154.
5. Yuyang Li, Zhenyu Tian, Lidong Zhang, Tao Yuan, Kuiwen Zhang, Bin Yang, Fei Qi
An experimental study of the rich premixed ethylbenzene flame at low pressure
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 647-655.
4. Yuyang Li, Lidong Zhang, Zhenyu Tian, Tao Yuan, Kuiwen Zhang, Bin Yang, Fei Qi
Investigation of the rich premixed laminar acetylene/oxygen/argon flame: Comprehensive flame structure and special concerns of polyynes
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 1293-1300.
3. Yuyang Li, Lidong Zhang, Zhenyu Tian, Tao Yuan, Jing Wang, Bin Yang, Fei Qi
Experimental study of a fuel-rich premixed toluene flame at low pressure
Energy & Fuels 23 (2009) 1473-1485.
2. Yuyang Li, Lixia Wei, Zhenyu Tian, Bin Yang, Jing Wang, Taichang Zhang, Fei Qi
A comprehensive experimental study of low-pressure premixed C3-oxygenated hydrocarbon flames with tunable synchrotron photoionization
Combustion and Flame 152 (2008) 336-359.
1. Yuyang Li, Chaoqun Huang, Lixia Wei, Bin Yang, Zhenyu Tian, Taichang Zhang, Liusi Sheng, Fei Qi
An experimental study of rich premixed gasoline/O2/Ar flame with tunable synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet photoionization
Energy & Fuels 21 (2007) 1931-1941.