题目:Multicaloricmaterials and Effects: From Fundamentals to Applications
时间:2025年3月17日 14:00-16:00
地点:suncitygroup太阳新城官网 F103会议室
邀请人:钱小石 教授(前瞻交叉研究中心)
Dr Karim Amirov is principal investigator of National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Russia) with over 20 years of experience in research and teaching. Не received the Ph.D. in Physics from South Federal University (Russia), worked as post-doc researcher in Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and was a visiting scientist in several international universities: Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory of Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) (Germany), Charles University (Czech Republic) and etc. His research is focused to magnetic, multiferroic and multicaloric materials: nanoparticles, alloys, ceramics and composites. His last projects are aimed to research of multicaloric materials and effects for various applications: from energy to biomedicine. Karim also has strong engineering background in design and construction of experimental setups, devices and prototypes. His research was supported several national (RFBR, RSF) and international (DAAD) grants and mobility programs.
Multicalorics is a new topic that combine the phenomena and materials related to the coexistence of caloric effects under the combination of differ external fields (magnetic, electric, mechanical). The observed cross-effects and interplay between magnetic, electrical, properties and structure are of fundamental scientific interest, when the multiple external fields are applied.
Multicalorics are currently in the focus of research as a promising material for improving the efficiency of solid-state cooling systems based on ordinary caloric effects. Moreover, multicaloric materials is considered as advanced materials for straintronics, spintronics, biomedical applications and etc.
The current talk will be devoted to the recent advances of multicaloric materials: from fundamentals and differ approaches to observe multicaloric effect to experimental results that open new opportunities for their applications.